Mcah Wiki

A list of known words of the Zalitraeq Language.


aijzha [ EYEJZ haa ], (noun) -- queen; mature female ruler (in this case, requires having come-of-age).

aijzhara [ EYEJZ haa raa ], (noun) -- queen; existing female ruler. This word does not specifically map to the 'queen' or 'princess' concepts (which include 'age'); the aijzhara is the ruling female whether she is mature or not (though obviously it is almost impossible for a female to be a ruler without being of age).

aijzharat [ EYEJZ haa raat ], (noun) -- king; existing male ruler. This word does not specifically map to the 'king' or 'prince' concepts (which include 'age'); the aijzharat is the ruling male whether he is mature or not(though obviously it is almost impossible for a male to be a ruler without being of age).

athun [ aa THOON ], (noun) -- paid servant

atsa [ AA tsaa ], (verb) -- to go


belisasta [ BEHL ih SAA staa ], (noun) -- summer; when the dragons migrate in.


chali [ CHAH lee ], (verb) -- to ride


dae [ DAY ], (verb) -- to dream


echa [ EH chaa ], (verb) -- to see


fa [ FAA ], (verb) -- to be

falu [ FAH loo ], (verb) -- to mourn

fesa [ FEH saa ], (verb) -- to have


haela [ HAY lah ], (verb) -- to rule


i [ IH ], (prep) -- of

isasta [ EE saas taa ], (noun) -- winter; the time when the dragons migrate away.


jzae [ JZAY ], (verb) -- to guard

jzo [ JZOH ], (verb) -- to hate

jzos [ JZOHS ], (noun) -- book


lae [ LEY ], (verb) -- to love

laeilunen [ LEY ih LOO nehn ], (noun) -- autumn; the season when the dragons choose their mates

li [ LEE ], (verb) -- to say

lo [ LOH ], (verb) -- to hear

luilu [ loo EE loo ], (verb) -- to leave


maenan [ MEY nahn ], (noun) -- flower

mao [ MAH oh ], (verb) -- to write

mina [ MEE naa ], (verb) -- to live


naschat [ NAAS chaat ], (adjective) -- severed; typically used as a last name for those who have lost their families, with one of two suffixes: -ren to indicate that the situation that has made a person severed is open to discussion and questions, and -ya to indicate that you should not ask how a person came to be naschat.


qaes [ KAYS ], (noun) -- love


rinan [ REE naan ], (noun) -- indentured servant


stuna [ STOO naa ], (verb) -- to taste


tche [ TCHEH ], (verb) -- to sleep

thu [ THOO ], (verb) -- to run

tisibel [ TEE see behl ], (noun) -- The midpoint of summer, a time between seasons.

tisiis [ TEE sees ], (noun) -- The midpoint of winter, a time between seasons.

tisilae [ TEE see ley ], (noun) -- The midpoint of fall, a time between seasons.

tisitzai [ TEE see tzeye ], (noun) -- The midpoint of spring, a time between seasons.

traech [ TRAYK ], (noun) -- dragon

tro [ TROH ], (verb) -- to like

tza [ TZAA ], (verb) -- to bow or curtsey; the sign of respect due only the current ruling monarch.

tzaiilunen [ TZEYE ih LOO nehn ], (noun) -- spring; when dragons hatch


vesthaq [ VEHS thaak ], (noun) -- castle


yae [ YAY ], (verb) -- to walk

yai [ YEYE ], (prep) -- to

yzatch [ EE zaatch ], (noun) -- chain


zai [ Z EYE ], (verb) -- to sit

zal [ ZAHL ], (noun) -- shadow
